Monday, 7 January 2013

Home Sweet Home

The last three days have been undescribable! I don't even know where to begin. So far there are seven of us international students with the final comming tomorow. Already we have become a family complete with a host Mom who looks out for us and whom we all love dearly.  When we first met her she told us she was waiting at home for us and couldn't wait until we moved in. Before we could do that on we had to go to thw Watoto central church service on Sunday.

Never in my life would I have imagined being part of a church service like that!! Words cannot fully explain it, it was so overwhelming.  For starters the building is easily four times bigger than out church at home and not only do they have five services each Sunday ( and one on Saturday night) but eah one is packed full of people praising the Lord. So much so that there is an overflow area where everything is broadcased out to. I was reminded of breakforth when everyone worships with abandon, only this is what happens every week. Pastor Gary Skinner has started the year with speaking about fresh starts, as this is the jubaliee year of Uganda.  Never before have I been to a church service where the pastor is so passionate about his message that he is jumping  up and down on the stage!  It alsomst reminded me of myself when in drama I made a mistake at practice ! :)  During communion I was moved to tears by it all, and my heart overflowed with thanks giving to The Lord who brought me to this place. After the five of us who had already arrived went to lunch with our Mom, Esther, and Joseph. That was a time filled with much story telling and it was just so much fun to be out with everyone.

Yesterday after much anticipation we moved into our new home!!! Yay!!!!! Even though we had had a fun morning of game playing and getting to know each other we were overjoyed when the bus pulled in to take us home. I was not prepared at all for this! It is georgous , Sydney will be glad to know my bed is pink and somehow Natalie and I ended up rooming together in the biggest room. Needless to say it has already been deemed the " hang out room " for all my new "sisters". My roomie Natalie is from Texas and I am so excited that I can finally embrace my inner southerner and say y'all and have that be normal!!!  I was going to upload pictures but the computer is not letting me so I will try again later. :(

I am so blessed, already we have become a family and I cannot wait to see where the next six months will take my four new sisters, two brothers, mother and myself!!  Already we have begun planning for how to decorate out prayer room to have thoughts, dreams, prayers, ect. posted on the wall to share with each other and last night after dinner we had a sharing and prayer time compete with singing to close off.  At this moment I feel so blessed beyond measure and certain that I am living as God has called me. I cannot wait to actually begin Watoto 360 on Friday, and tomorow those of us already here are going to baby watoto to spend the day. We are sooooo... excited!!!! After only a few days this country and it's people have captured my heart and I know that I shall never get it back.


  1. Wow Jess...that's soooo cool! You are exactly where God wants you & He's going to use you mightily:)!

  2. Yes, it is the people that will capture you, and this is the way God means us to be: in relationship. Not about things, but about people. Good for you, gal. I'm glad you are doing this. You will never be the same.
