Hmmm… I have really fallen behind! After not blogging for
almost a month I have no idea where to start or what to say. I suppose I can
attempt to do the highlights of the last two weeks in short and hope that is
good enough and will not take up hours of both of our lives. J
Two weeks ago Thursday I was blessed enough to
go back to God’s Grace, and what an experience that was. Unlike the first time that I went this time I
spent the whole day there and the experience, though still good, was completely
different. In morning I found myself trying to teach a class of kindergarten
children, I am not one who is good at teaching large groups and I likely never
will be so that was interesting. After a short break my friend Miriam and I
were back at it and very soon it became apparent that there was not a lot for
us to do. Much to my delight I found myself with a little boy attached to my
hip, where I went he followed. Very lethargic and not one to take part in the
class we soon left to sit on our own. For quite some time I sat with my arms
wrapped around this little one, rocking and humming. It was after moving into the shade that I
found out from one of the older girls that this little boy I was cuddling was
not in fact a little boy at all but a little girl named Gloria. Needless to say I was a bit surprised and I
was not the only one. All of had thought that little Gloria was a boy. My guess
is that she is around five and as the day went on my heart was completely
stolen by this little girl. It was quite
clear due to how lethargic she was that little Gloria was sick, she had cuts on
her ankles that I still worry will become infected and the orphanage was out of
food so they were all fasting for the day
hoping for food tomorrow. More than once I asked Joseph and Shirley half
in jest half seriously if I could take this little girl home. As expected the
answer was no. However this did not stop
us from spending the rest of the day together. For much of the afternoon where
ever I went Gloria was sure to follow. After sitting on the bus with her
talking to Shirley, I was blessed to see some life come into her little brown
eyes as she watched the other children play, eventually she began to crawl off
my lap to run up and down the bus, then she would crawl back up and peer out
the windows, then back down. When she began to laugh and talk a little I
wondered how I could have ever thought she was a little boy. My heart was so
full. For all the good in my day at
God’s Grace it was also probably one of the hardest days I have had yet. Ever
since coming here I have been asking God to break my heart and then put it back
together how he desires it to be. Well that day at the orphanage my heart
broke. When you spend only half a day there you don’t see the poverty all that
clearly, you are too busy being surrounded by little bodies that all want a
piece of you. When you spend a full day and you stop to look around what you
see takes your breath away as if you have just received a blow to the
stomach. They literally have nothing!
When I say nothing I do not mean a Canadian nothing but a heart wrenching
nothing. The home is small a filthy, the most common toy I saw while there on
Thursday was a stick of wood, and the class rooms are mostly small shacks
constructed out of warped old timbers with gaps between each one and a dirt
floor. When you have children hanging
off of you and fighting over the chance to hold your hand just so they can get
a bit of love it wrenches your heart in a way that can’t be described. I could not help but wonder what kind of
future these beautiful children will have. They have very few role models to
teach them and raise them or to look up to, but yet where they are now is
better than where they came from. Yet there is so little I can do. I can
support the orphanage, I can buy their products in order to promote
self-sustainability, and I can offer love when I visit but I have learned that
there is so much that I would love to give them but cannot. The hardest moment of the day came when we
left. I had to look into the eyes of
Fiona, a little girl who I had come to love during my last visit, and say
goodbye while tears pooled in her eyes. When I got to the bus I found that many
little ones had climbed aboard, Gloria among them (my guess is that she is the
one who lead them on in the first place). When they all came off there were
many hugs but when Gloria came off it was straight to my side. She would not
leave me and when we had to force her to go to her teacher it was amid many
tears and screams. Again my heart felt as though it was breaking. One of the
last things I remember as we drove away was her wailing. It is even harder knowing that that was most
likely the last time that I will be able to go to God’s Grace, however I am
begging God that I will get another chance to go. If he says no though I will
understand, more than likely that will just make leaving harder.
On a lighter note this week has been one of
the best weeks of my life!!! We have been off since last Monday and never let
it be said that us internationals don’t know how to make the best of time off!
Monday we caught a ride out of the city and headed to Jinja, and the Nile
River! It was AMAZING!!! While Thomas
went white water rafting Hannah, Emily, Jack, Callie, and Callie’s Mum who is
visiting and I , went riding along the Nile. I still don’t like horses and for
the beginning of the ride I was quite nervous but I did enjoy myself. The
hostel where we stayed overlooked the river and the view was spectacular. When
you think of the Nile being turned to blood by Moses it is cool and all but it
does not really have that big of an impact.
When you see just how wide, deep and long it is the story gains
substance and it just blows you away!
Before we went riding we had the chance to go downtown Jinja and it was
so nice to be able to go for a walk unsupervised and not have to worry about
it. The air was sweeter, and cleaner, there was virtually no traffic compared
to Kampala, and when we walked downtown there were no people shouting mzungu at
us. It was wonderful!
Thursday and Friday seven of us drove six hours from home for the thing we have
all been looking forward to for the last four months, SAFARI!!! We arrived Wednesday
night and after lunch and a quick dip in
the pool we headed out for our sunset game drive. That was easily my favorite moment of the
whole week. Thanks to Thomas and his brilliant mind we all ended up riding on
the cargo rack on the roof of the bus not only for our night game drive but for
the morning one the next day at six in the morning. It was amazing!!! Thursday afternoon we had a boat launch down
the river to see the falls which was also spectacular. I know I should be going
on and on about everything but in 100% truthfulness there are no words that can
describe everything. Even as we sat on the roof of the bus with dusk settling
around us talking about Gods greatness and glory and singing worship songs I
knew that I would never be able to adequately explain it all. Even the pictures
can’t capture the amazingness of the moment knowing that I was surrounded not
only by God and his gorgeous creation I was there with five friends that not
even six months ago I had never even heard of but now cannot thank him enough
for! We saw hippo’s, water buffalos ( to which I at one point started singing
veggie tales with Emily), heart beasts, African cobs, and other dear like
creatures, “pumbas” ( warthogs),giraffes, crocodiles, a hyena, jackal, a
lioness, and my personal favorite tons of elephants! If you were to ask me what
my favorite part of the trip was I would tell you that sitting on top of the
bus while being almost charged by a bull elephant that was far taller than our
seat on the carriage rack ranks pretty close to the top. My heart was beating
pretty fast at the time but when I look back it is one of my favorite moments. J
Yesterday to cap off our amazing week Jack and
Hannah organized Disney Day, and let me tell you it is one of the best holidays
we have had yet! We had an obstacle
course through the elephant grave yard, painted with the colours of the wind, had to find the “poisoned” apple, shared the
mad hatters tea, and ended the night with watching Princess and the Frog. The best
part though was the costumes. Each of us were put in teams of two and assigned
a movie that we had to portray. We had Little mermaid, Cinderella, Beauty and
the Beast, Tangled, Pocahontas, and of course the Mad Hatter all in attendance for
tea. All in all I have been supremely blessed by my loving father and I am so
thankful for all he has done in my life.